RAAF Radschool Association Magazine - Vol 19                                         November 2007

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We’re sorry to say that it’s been far too long since our last newsletter. There were several reasons why we decided to ‘give it away’ but after receiving numerous phone calls and emails (and we are still getting them) asking that we ‘crank it up again’ we’ve decided to give it another go. Unfortunately, we are not able to get it printed as the bloke who printed it for us is snowed under with work and doesn’t have the time/facilities to be able to continue.


To distribute the RAM in hard copy was quite an exercise as the distribution had grown into the 300’s. You can imagine how long it takes to print all the pages, sort then staple them, then fold, bung them into envelopes, then sort all the envelopes into postcodes, fill in the AP forms etc etc. So, until we are able to find a ‘friendly’ printer we are forced to provide only a web copy. BUT—we’re working on it. We know this will disadvantage those that don't have access to a computer, but unfortunately, there's nothing we can do about it.


We use a bulk emailing program (Pimex) to let you know the RAM is "out there". A lot of email providers will interpret this notification as "SPAM" and will park our email in your SPAM folder or will delete it altogether. So that we can get these notifications to you, please add the radschool@yahoo.com address to your  'Safe Senders" list.

You'll notice some old stories in this edition, the reason??, it was "part done" back in 2005 and it was just a matter of filling in a few gaps to get it out. You'll also notice we don't have a lot of stories about YOU - we've had use other stories to fill the pages. We hope to have Vol 20 chock full of 'new stuff'.


However, To keep the RAM going and to make it topical and interesting, we need your help. We can’t do it without you, so -  Please send in your contributions…….


Send us stories, bits of stories, gossip, photos, lies, made up stuff, anything, we need material to fill these pages and we can’t do it without you. Tell us what you are doing now, what you've done since leaving the RAAF, where you've been, where you live now, remember, 'we have ways of making you talk....' And it doesn't have to relate to Radschool, it can be about anything, please just send us STUFF!! 


We'd like to make the RAM a magazine that you look forward to reading - we'll try and make it interesting, topical, entertaining, educational and amusing. We're here to help if you are trying find someone, to let you know if someone wants help, to let you know if someone is crook, to air your  gripes and to pass on your recommendations, to let people know about your next 'do' - whatever,  so, please use us. We are going to try for 4 issues each year, but if the material starts to flow, we'll do more.  If you’ve written to us recently and haven’t received a reply, we apologise, we checked the radschool@yahoo.com address and there are over 1,100 emails—we’ll get to them over the next few weeks, and will answer those we can. All future email to the above address will be promptly answered—so get those fingers to the key-board.


The ex-RAAF blokes supported Brisbane’s Anzac day 2005 remembrances well, though that year the after march festivities for both 9sqn and 35sqn were held at a different venue. We have a few photos of people in various stages of celebratory ‘bliss’ and if you’ve got some from other cities—we’d love to see them.

Save a little money each week and at the end of the year you will be surprised how it all went on bank fees and charges.

What do all the “Smiths” in the London telephone book have in common??

See page 8 for the answer.

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